Here are a few things you should know about Saba to help you enjoy your vacation!
Click on a link to find out more about a specific topic on Saba.
Written and composed by Christina Maria Jeurissen a.k.a. Sister Waltruda of the order of Dominican nuns in the year 1960.

Saba, you rise from the ocean,
With Mountain and hillside so steep,
How can we reach you to greet you,
Isle of the sea, rough and deep.
Come, let us look at the rowers
with faces so placid and calm,
Guide us now safe through the breakers,
take us ashore without harm.
Saba, Oh Jewel most precious,
In the Caribbean sea.
Mem'ries will stay of thy beauty,
Though we may roam far from thee.
Saba, oh pearl of the ocean,
Friendly and lovely, though small,
Do not forget to be grateful,
To God the creator of all.
He in his goodness will guide you
and bless you in every part,
Making you always most precious
Saba, so dear to my heart.
Saba, Oh jewel most precious,
In the Caribbean Sea.
Mem'ries will stay of thy beauty,
Though we may roam far from thee.

Saba has a varied arts and crafts community, click here to find out more!

The official currency is the US dollar. Travelers’ cheques as well as major credit cards, are widely accepted. Two branch banks are open on Saba and both have ATMs.
RBC Bank
Windwardside, Saba
Tel: 416-2454/2453
Fax: 416-2452
Email: roxanne.simmons@rbc.com
Opening Hours 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The Bottom, Saba
Opening Hours 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Tel: 416-3900 Fax: 416-3901 ATM 416-3906 email: Ileanasimmons@wib-bank.com
Saba Summer Festival is usually the last week in July, depending on the weekend it can run into the 1st days of August. The festival features great music, great food, colourful parades and the friendliest of atmospheres!
Check out our Carnival page!

Reliable, professional car rental on Saba
conveniently located at Saba's one and only Shopping Mall: the Breadline Plaza
Tel: 416 2881 0r 416 5893
email: info@icssaba.com
Price: $55 & $65 per day, special rates for weekly and monthly rentals.

Opening hours: 9am - 1pm every weekday.

Anglican Churches of Saba
Click here for an outline history of Anglican Churches on Saba and click here service times.
Saba Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Kingdom Hall (Windwardside)
Public Discourse/Watchtower Study: Sunday @ 11:30 a.m.
Congregation Bible Study/TMS/Service Meeting: Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m.
Tony Pantophlet
email: tonypantophlet@hotmail.com
Additional Contact Person: Essie deVries (599) 416-3216
Church Name |
Affiliation |
Location |
Holy Rosary Church |
Roman Catholic |
Hell's Gate |
Holy Trinity Church |
Anglican (1877) |
Windwardside |
Church of St. Paul's Conversion |
Roman Catholic |
Windwardside |
Christ Church |
Anglican (18c) |
The Bottom |
Sacred Heart Church |
Roman Catholic (1877) |
The Bottom |
Wesleyan Holiness Church, The Bottom
Click here for a brief history of The Wesleyan Holiness Church and service times.
Thye church is located in The Bottom next to the Hon. Henry Every Old Age Home.
Tel: 011-599-416-3226
Catholic Churches in Saba Schedule of Masses
St. Paul Conversion Church, Windwardside
Wednesday: 7.00 p.m
Sunday:11.00 a.m.
Parish Priest:
Queen of the Holy Rosary Church,
Zion's Hill
Sunday.....7.30 a.m.
Parish Priest:
Sacred Heart Church, The Bottom
Tuesday: 6.30 p.m.
Sunday: 9.00 a.m.
Parish Priest:
Each First Friday there is a Holy Hour Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Holy Mass at the different villages to pray for protection for the Hurricane Season. This is rotated each week.
Living Water Community has a weekly Prayer Meeting at 7.00 p.m. (rosary at 6.30 p.m.) 1st Monday.... Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, Zion's Hill 2nd, 4th and 5th Mondays:
Sacred Heart Church, The Bottom: 3rd Monday
St. Paul Conversion church, Windwardside.
Living Water Community is a lay, Catholic, Charismatic Community, which has been doing missionary work on Saba since 1988. The community teaches religion at the elementary school and is responsible for preparing children to receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation. Members of the community reach out to the sick at home or in the hospital and to the elderly in Home for the aged. There are weekly prayer meetings for children, teens and adults. Living Water produces a devotional radio station 93.9 fm.

On top of the shield is the Wedrego (this is an indigeneous bird on Saba, of which the Latin name is Puffinus Iherminieri, English: Audubon's Shearwater). This Wedrego is represented as the national Saban bird. It is surrounded by secrecy and lonelyness, living off the sea and enjoying its plenty whilst enduring its hardships. Just like the Sabans the bird meets an unsecure future, but does so in beauty, hope and determination. The bird is flanked by pieces of the famous Saban cabbage, which has in important place between our foodcrops. Our unique and unsurpassed island of legendary beauty occupies the center of the shield. It is surrounded by the emblems of its greatness, like the ships sailing the seven oceans, the fishery, the agriculture, especially the famous white potato, and its unsurpassed climate.
The whole shield represents the beauty, sufferings, sturdiness and the friendship and tolerance of this unusual people blessed by God.
The device is: REMIS VELISQUE, literally: "with (rowing) oars and sails", figuartive: "with all one's might".

Latitude - 63.13 West : Longitude - 17.38 North.
Courtesy & Dress
Casual sportswear is appropriate dress anytime on Saba. Bathing suits are not appropriate within the villages. A light wrap may be needed in the evenings in the wintertime. Being shirtless in any of Saba's villages is actually against the law!
Culture and History
Because of Saba's precipitous terrain, settling was difficult and left for the hardy and the adventurous. Having been under English, French, Spanish and Dutch rule for many years, peace came with the Dutch Crown in 1816. The cultures of the variety of settlers are now uniquely blended into a hard-working people. Their history of farming, fishing and seamanship account for their keen knowledge of their nature. Many locals are well travelled and well educated; conversations are easy and interesting. The Saba museums house many artifacts and photographs which tell the stories of settling this remote island with its dramatic landscape.
Customs and Immigration
A valid passport, birth certificate or voter's registration is needed to enter as well as a return or ongoing ticket. For more information on immigration click here.
Further Sources of information:
How To Get a Passport in a Hurry
Kanetix Itinerary Planner
International Travel: Resource Library

Deep Sea Fishing Charter
Saba Ocean Adventures
Join us aboard our 34' Silverton Convertible, offering deluxe, fully enclosed salon and galley for a day of fun on the sea!
Sportfishing Excursions
Half day or full options
Fish local waters for Mahi, Wahoo,
Swordfish and more!
Inter-Island Charters
Explore Saba's neighboring islands
Day trips or overnighters
Depart and return on your schedule!
Sunset Cruises
Beautiful, peaceful and romantic
Champage & dinner options |
Circle Island Tours
Explore the Saba coastline by sea
Land & Sea combo tours
Snorkel Trips
Devoted exclusively to snorkelers
No SCUBA divers = No time limits
Contact us for details or to book your charter today!
Tel: 416 55 57 or 416 58 91
Email: lucky.picky@sbcglobal.net |

Electricity: US Standard, 110 volts.
Saba Electric Company N.V.
Samuel Charles street no. 9
PO Box 43
The Bottom, Saba
Dutch Caribbean
Tel: (+599) 416-3266
Fax: (+599) 416-3535
Web: powerupsaba.com
Email : billing@sabaelecnv.com

The National Flag
The colors are red, white, blue and gold/yellow. The top is divided into two equal red triangles, the bottom is divided into two equal blue triangles. In the flag's center is a white diamond with a golden/yellow five-pointed star. The star represents Saba. The gold/yellow color signifies that Saba is a precious possession and dear to the hearts of all Sabans.
The gold/yellow also symbolizes the wealth of natural beauty to be found on Saba and optimism for its future.. The colors red, white and blue represent the historical and political ties between the Netherlands and other Dutch Islands. White symbolizes too peace, friendship, purity and rest. Red symbolizes unity, courage and decisiveness. Blue stands for the sea, which plays such an important part for the people of Saba. It symbolizes too heaven, which reminds us of the Almighty God, who created this island.

Holidays: Good Friday, Easter, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday (April 30), Labor Day, Ascension Day, Saba Day (Dec 1st week). Kingdom Day (Dec 15th) Christmas (Dec 25th),, Boxing Day (Dec 26th) New Years
Language Everyone speaks English, although Dutch is the official language.

Mail: Approximately two weeks either way when marked AIRMAIL. Other mail/courier services:
Federal Express
Phone number: 416-2493
US Postal Box
Phone Number: 416-2881
E-mail: info@icssaba.com
website: icssaba.com
Phone number:416-2881
Post N.V.
Phone number: 416-2221 |

Saba Health Care
Hospital: A.M. Edwards Medical Center
Tel: 599-416-3239 / 416-3288 / 416-3289
Two Resident Doctors and Registered Nurses oversee this medical facility.
The Saba University School of Medicine was chartered in October 1992. It provides students from the U.S.A. and abroad an opportunity to acquire a medical degree and fulfill their ambition of becoming a physician. Applications are invited from all qualified students with a sincere desire to practice medicine. All courses are taught in English by an experienced M.D./Ph.D. faculty whose only responsibility is medical education.
For more information, contact:
Saba University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 1000
The Bottom, SABA
Dutch Caribbean
Telephone from U.S.: 011-599-416-3456

For more information on travelling to and from Saba with your pets check out: Saba FPCA

Chizzilala Productions
Windwardside Saba
Dutch Caribbean
Tel: 416 6616
Email: info@chizzilala.com
Web: chizzilala.com

1,800 people.
Each village has several small and individually unique restaurants. Most of them offer outdoor dining as well as a friendly bar. You'll want to sample them all though, because there is a wide variety to choose from, American, European, Chinese, Italian, and that delicious blend of Indonesian and West Indian Creole. Each restaurant becomes a gathering place for conversation anytime, day or night. Weekends will always find an "island-wide party", that means everyone is invited. It may also be disco music, steel band drums at poolside, or a barbeque at the bay under the stars. Click here for a full list of restaurants and bars on Saba.

Saba Lace
Saba lace is a unique needlecraft painstakingly created by the industrious women in Saba. Saba lace, also known as Spanish work has a special history. In the 1870's, Mary Gertrude Hassell Johnson was sent by her parents to study at a convent in Caracas, Venezuela. While she was there, the nuns taught Miss Hassell to create the intricate designs of this needlecraft. Miss Hassell brought the craft back to Saba and in 1884, when regular mail service first connected the island to the outside world, the wives and daughters of Saba's seafaring men turned the craft into a mail-order cottage industry.
How the Saba women marketed their needlework demonstrates their ingenuity. As boxes of merchandise were sent from the United States to Saba, the ladies would copy the addresses of the American companies and then write them a letter explaining their work and the prices. Often a sympathetic person receiving the letter would post it on the company bulletin board and ultimately the lace makers would receive orders for their work. By 1928, the Sabans were exporting almost $15,000 worth of needlework annually!
Zion's Hill (A.k.a Hell's Gate )
The Saba Lace Boutique
This boutique, situated behind the Roman Catholic Church in Hell's Gate, has the largest selection of lacework.
Contact Patsy Hassell on 416 2426 to make an appointment.
El Momo Folk Art
H.L. Johnson Museum
The Little Green Shop
The Eugenius Johnson Center
A small group of ladies meet on Thursday afternoon at the Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside to exchange patterns, stories and work on their lovely pieces of lace. All are welcome to pass by and take a look, their lacework can also be purchased there.
The Bottom
Saba Artisan Foundation
Opening Hours : 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Saba Spice
Delicious homemade Saba Spice, the sweet rum-based liquor, is made from the local spices in the kitchens of many Saban ladies. Ask for a sample at any hotel, restaurant or bar on the island! Spice can also be purchased from many of the shops on the island.

Sacred Heart Primary School
Is an English language primary school, Kindergarten 1 (4yrs) through 6th grade.
St John's
Email: sacredheartprimaryschool@yahoo.com
Telephone: 416-3281
Ec2 Saba
St John's
Web: ec2saba.org
Email: fbe_saba@yahoo.com
The Saba Comprehensive School
St John's
Web: learningsaba.com
email: director@learningsaba.com
Saba Reach Foundation
The main office of Saba Reach Foundation is located at the Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside, Saba, Caribbean Netherlands.
Office hours are 9:00 – 12:00 and 2:00 – 5:00 Mondays thru Thursdays.
All Youth Opportunity Path and Adult Education classes are held at the Eugenius Johnson Center.
The Social Workplace Organoponics Garden is located in The Level, in Windwardside, Saba. The garden is open for customers and interested visitors on Mondays thru Fridays 7:00 – 4:00 and on Saturdays between 9:00 – 12:00.
Tel: (+599) 416 3706
Website: sabareach.com
Email: director@sabareach.com
Saba University School of Medicine
Web: www.saba.edu
Tel: 599-416-3456
Tel: 978-862-9600
Fax: 978-862-9699

Enter into any of the shops within the villages and you'll be invited into conversation. You'll find beautiful, delicate linen items with hand-drawn threadwork designs. Artists find Saba a perfect inspiration for their work. Many watercolours, photographs, jewelry and books are displayed in Saba art gallery.
While in Windwardside, ask your driver to drop you off at the Windwardside parking lot. Then stroll the main drag through Windwardside's mini-mall. Its here you'll find take-home souvenirs, tasty boutiques, dive shops, the tourist office, an art gallery, several restaurant/bars, a supermarket and a bank. Just a turn will take you to the post office as well as a dive shop-hotel-restaurant-bar. The Mini Mall is where you'll pick up charming remembrances of the beauty of Saba. New in 2013 The Breadline Plaza, you'll find an optician, bakery, clothes shop, Bar/Restaurant, Rental car and Communications Service.

Taxes & Tipping
The government room tax of 5% is automatically added to your bill. A service charge of 10% or 15% will be added to your bill. For taxis and guides, tip at your own discretion.

Modern taxis are readily available on Saba.Click here for taxi rates.

Hotels have direct dialing worldwide, or visit the local telephone company SATEL which is situated in The Bottom. Saba has island wide WIFI coverage, cards are for sale at SATEL and at other outlets.
Saba is on Atlantic Standard Time year round. During day light savings time, noon in New york equals 1 p.m. on the island. During spring and summer time, the hour is the same on the Eastern Seaboard as it is on the island.
Visa Requirements
Click here for detailed Visa information tourist/business visits to the islands of the Dutch Caribbean.
Nature Trails & WalksYearly less than 25,000 tourists come to Saba, and those who do treat the island and her people with respect and admiration. Even though the island has modern facilities and technology, their attitude is strongly conservative towards their nature, development and industry. They love their island as much as you will.
As part of our commitment to our environment, we have established the Saba Conservation Foundation to preserve and manage our natural and cultural heritage. The Foundation oversees the running of the famous Saba Marine Park.
The Tourist Office, the Saba Conservation Foundation and many local supporters have adequately marked and maintain trails for easy trekking. Some trails need a guide, all the better to fully appreciate the botanical and historical parts of Saba. Everyone can easily hike over and into Saba's rain forest, tidepools, historic ruins, and rich nature wonderland. Even a walk along Saba's winding road will lead you to a magical view, and a memorable vacation.
Daytime temperature on Saba averages 80°F., give or take a few degrees. Easterly trade winds and the mountain create ever changing cloud movements. Winter evenings often require a light sweater. Temperatures will always be cooler on the top of Mt. Scenery.
Good weather resources include:
The Hurricane Page (www.stormcarib.com )
